viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University.
The theory shows eight criteria for a behavior to be considered an intelligence. They are: verbal-linguistic (word smart), mathematical-logical (math smart), visual-spatial (art smart), interpersonal (people-smart), intrapersonal (self-smart), bodily-kinesthetic (body smart), naturalist (nature smart), musical-rhythmic (music smart).
Gardner distinguished the intelligences with great detail but he opposes the idea of labeling learnings to a specific intelligence. Each learner has a unique blend of all the intelligence. The theory empowers learners not to restrict them to one modality of learning.
These intelligences could be related to the to the CLIL classroom.
When we deal with diverse learning styles we have to keep in mind that we teach  students and not just a subject. It is also important to identify the learning styles and have different materials, lessons plans or exercises for the class.
There are three basic groups of learning styles: auditory learners, visual learners and kinesthetic or tactile learners.
·    Auditory learners learn best through listening the message. Some of the materials teachers could use with them are: lectures, verbal instruction, songs, acronyms, flip cards, books on tape or listening to review material, oral exams. In order to study, auditory learners should read their material aloud.
·     Visual learners learn best through what they see and the images they have created in their mind. Teachers could use with them: illustrations, diagrams, and charts and flip cards.
·     Tactile learners learn best through touching, feeling and doing. Teachers should incorporate hands-on projects, multi-media assignments, skits, movement, and physical artifacts as examples. These students also respond well to object lessons if they are able to touch the object involved.
To conclude I believe that we should bear in mind the different learning styles, and take advantage of the classroom diversity. So we have to identify how our students learn better and to make groups in order they could help each other. Beside we need use a variety of lessons plans and exercises for the class, in this way we offer a better teaching learning process.

Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner , Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences 2011 , revolutionized psychology with his theory of multiple intelligences  more than two decades ago.
Here you are, an abbreviated version of Redes program interview.
#Gardner #multipleintelligences

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Let's dream! Let's learn!

The best teacher I've ever had

I have had good teachers and bad ones in my life, and I have learned from all of them and their methods. Nowadays, as a teacher and a learner, I believe that the main characteristic of a good teacher is to be passionate and to have the ability to convey enthusiasm for learning.

What other features do I appreciate in teachers?
§  Communication. Good teachers should be great communicators and they should keep in mind the purpose of responding to different learning styles of their students (visual, kinesthetic, verbal).
§  Creativity.  I like teachers that always think of new ways to do things, because they are never content with doing something the usual way if a better way is possible. They use different techniques that allow students to explore their skills through a variety of resources such as, newspaper articles, video clips, blogs or Internet.
§   Humor. Great teachers add humor to the class in order to create rapport and make a safe and enriching learning environment. Students must feel free and they shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes.
§  Leadership. Leadership teachers are good organizing activities and getting everyone feels included. They act as facilitators and provide cooperative work (pair work, group work, whole class). And they let students being the protagonist of their own learning.

As a conclusion, goods teachers love learning and love their work and have the ability to challenge their students with new task, and new ideas. Those teachers make their students go out of their comfort zone. They invite their students to the magic zone, the zone where students have new experiences and where the process of learning is creative and powerful.